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来源:无锡奥数网 文章作者:无锡奥数网 2013-07-18 15:39:56





  1 在遥远的那方 Out there.Theres a world outside of Yonkers。

  2 在离家乡十万八千里的那方 Way out there beyond this hick town, Barnaby

  3 有一个美丽的小镇 叫做巴纳比 Theres a slick town, Barnaby

  4 那里阳光和煦 繁星闪烁 Out there.Full of shine and full of sparkle

  5 轻闭双眼 星辉轻撒 Close your eyes and see it glisten, Barnaby

  6 听着 巴纳比人 Listen, Barnaby...

  7 盛装打扮 外面的世界千奇百怪 Put on your Sunday clothes,theres lots of world out there

  8 走出阴霾 共享欢乐时光 Get out the brillantine and dime cigars

  9 在晚风中 开始历险旅程 Were gonna find adventure in the evening air

  10 女孩们穿着白裙在弥漫香水味的夜色中慢舞 Girls in white in a perfumed night

  11 闪烁的灯光犹如夜空的星星 Where the lights are bright as the stars!

  12 盛装打扮 我们到镇里狂欢 Put on your Sunday clothes, were gonna ride through town

  13 乘坐着开蓬马车 In one of those new horsedrawn open cars

  14 观看最精彩绝伦的表演 Well see the shows at Delmonicos

  15 然后我们将启程回家 And well close the town in a whirl

  16 我们亲吻心仪的女孩 我们充满青春活力 And we wont come old until weve kissed a girl!

  17 地球表面满盖垃圾 Too much trash!!! Earth covered

  18 瓦力 垃圾清理专家 wall.e working to dig your own

  19 是否为面前太多的垃圾而烦恼? Too much garbage in your face?

  20 在外太空我们有很大的空闲 There is plenty of space out in space.

  21 BNL太空伴侣 每天为你服务 BNL sky lightener living each day.

  22 在你出门的时候 我们会为你清理垃圾 We will clean up the mess while youre away

  23 这是BNL的太空之星 真理号 The jewel of BNL fleet, the exisium

  24 为您提供舒适豪华的导航体验 spin your fine and your cruise style,

  25 我们自动化的机组人员 waited on 20 per hours a day

  26 将提供每天24小时周到的服务 by our fully automated crew,

  27 我们的机长和工作人员将为你提供 while your captain and auto pilot try to ?

  28 无尽的娱乐活动 non-stopping entertainment

  29 令人垂涎的美食 fine dinning

  30 还有使用自如的自动行走椅 and with all access to auto chairs

  31 连行动不便的老奶奶也能乐在其中 and even grandma can join in the fun.

  32 因为根本无需走路 There is no need to walk

  33 真理号 为大家带来生活新感受 The exsium, putting the star in an excutive stylator

  34 因为BNL的宗旨是 开拓人类新领域 Because the BNL space is the final frontier

  35 心灰意冷的时候 请盛装打扮 Put on your Sunday clothes when you feel down and out

  36 昂首阔步 走到街上 尽情拍照 Strut down the street and have your picture took

  37 打扮漂亮 心情也舒畅 Dressed like a dream your spirits seem to turn about

  38 周日明媚的阳光兆示了 That Sunday shine is a certain sign

  39 你由内而外散发的美丽 That you feel as fine as you look!

  40 只须片刻 It only takes a moment

  41 便能明白厮守一生的爱 To be loved a whole life long...

  42 这就是爱的真谛 And that is all that loves about...

  43 只须片刻 It only takes a moment

  44 便能体验厮守一生的爱 To be loved a whole life long...

  45 取消 Cancel.

  46 什么方位 数量多少 你是商人吗 Why zone? Many? Are you monger?

  47 请求指令 Directive?

  48 指令 Directive?

  49 -指...令 -指令 - Direc... tive? - Directive?

  50 验证 Classified

  51 名字 Name

  52 瓦...瓦力 Wa... Wall-E.

  53 瓦力 Wall.e.

  54 瓦力? Wall.e?

  55 我是伊娃 Eve

  56 伊夫? Eva?

  57 伊娃 Eva?

  58 伊夫? Eva

  59 伊娃 Eve

  60 伊娃 Eva

  61 伊娃 Eva

  62 伊娃 Eve

  63 伊娃 Eva

  64 瓦力 Wall.e

  65 伊娃 Eva

  66 给 Here.

  67 看 Look.

  68 砰砰响 Pop.

  69 你来 You pop.

  70 瓦力呢 Where is Wall-E!

  71 伊娃 Eva

  72 伊娃 Eva?

  73 伊娃 Eva?

  74 伊娃 Eva?

  75 伊娃 Eva?!

  76 伊....娃 E....e...eva!!!!

  77 外来污染物 Foreign Contaminant










